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Hospital data breaches could lead to identity theft, financial fraud
29 Sep 2019 at 11:00am
New research looks at what kind of personal information gets leaked in the majority of hospital data breaches, and at some of the consequences.

Heart failure patients, clinicians have differing perceptions of risk level
23 Aug 2017 at 8:00am
Physicians identified a majority of patients with advanced heart failure as at high risk for transplant, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or death while few of those patients considered...

Can patients record doctor's visits? What does the law say?
13 Jul 2017 at 8:00am
Traffic stops, office conversations, and even doctor's visits - more and more people today are choosing to record life's encounters.

Physicians: Can social media make or break your career?
7 Jul 2017 at 8:00am
Avoid the pitfalls of common social media mistakes. We show you how to make the most of social media and which guidelines to follow.

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Asthma is a disease of the human respiratory system in which the airways narrow, often in response to a “trigger” such as exposure to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress. This narrowing causes symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing, which are the hallmarks of asthma. Between episodes, most patients feel fine.

The disorder is a chronic inflammatory condition in which the airways develop increased responsiveness to various stimuli, characterized by bronchial hyper-responsiveness, inflammation, increased mucus production, and intermittent airway obstruction. The symptoms of asthma, which can range from mild to life threatening, can usually be controlled with a combination of drugs and lifestyle changes.

Public attention in the developed world has recently focused on asthma because of its rapidly increasing prevalence, affecting up to one in four urban children.[1] Susceptibility to asthma can be explained in part by genetic factors, but no clear pattern of inheritance has been found. Asthma is a complex disease that is influenced by multiple genetic, developmental, and environmental factors, which interact to produce the overall condition.

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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (sometimes also referred to as ADD) is a psychiatric diagnosis that identifies hyperactivity, forgetfulness, mood shifts, poor impulse control, and distractibility as symptoms of a neurological disorder.

ADHD is commonly diagnosed among children. When diagnosed in adults, it is regarded as adult attention-deficit disorder (AADD). It is believed that approximately 30 to 70% of children diagnosed with ADHD retain the disorder as adults.
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